Wednesday, July 27, 2011

House projects

Okay so here is the list of house projects that hangs on our refrigerator (as of 2 weeks ago) and progress/revisions.

- Paint the trim in the bathroom white
- Paint the hallway grey  (color selected and agreed upon)
- Complete picture wall for hallway (idea is fully formulated and ready to be executed)
- Paint light fixtures in kitchen and hallway (I think we've decided against this, it might end up looking worse, and they really don't look bad, I'm just not nuts about brass)
- Remove panels from above kitchen cabinets
- Remove scalloped header from above sink and intall high shelf for plants

See in this picture, how there is SO MUCH WOOD.  I'd like to remove the panels above the cabinets so we have some shelving/storage/display area.  I think some of my larger serving pieces would look pretty up there and free up some space.
Only problem is, there is crown molding above the panels.  So getting that all down may be a little tricky, and who knows how these things are attached.  (The previous owner liked to use a variety of things to secure wood such as nails, screws, thumbtacks, glue, etc.  all at the same time!)
And I really need a shelf higher than my head on that window to put plants on in the winter, so they can get some necessary sunlight.  That scalloped piece would be cool, if we can remove it without destroying it and just turn it flat.  Maybe we could even paint the wall above the cabinets a funky color to add some fun "pop" to our kitchen?!?!?!  New idea to add to the list!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bathroom progress

When we bought our house, some of the wallpaper was a bit much for me, aka it HAD TO GO.
So here's our bathroom when we moved in, back in November.  Floral wallpaper in all its glory.
And then after some blue paint, and with brown accents.
(A disappointment for me because it ended up WAY too dark.)
And NOW, after some new window treatments, rugs, and a fresh coat (or 4) of white paint on the wood trim.
SUCH an improvement!

I now love my bathroom!  YAY!
Do you even believe that is the same blue on the walls?  What a difference the accents (and a little sunlight) actually make.

Isn't the white trim SO much better in our bathroom than the brown?  (I forgot to snap close-up before and afters, so the before is already taped, oops).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Art/Craft Fairs

I believe that one of life's greatest joys is wandering around searching for handmade treasures at art and craft fairs.  Jams, scarves, jewelry, paintings, and of course funnel cake, ice cream, and lemonade.

This past weekend was the Central PA Festival of the Arts.  We spent a lovely, but very hot, Saturday afternoon walking around State College at Arts Fest, and a great and even hotter Sunday walking around at the People's Choice Festival in Boalsburg.

Yes, I did have my so-sugary-that-it-tastes-like-chewing-on-sand lemonade, and it was wonderful!  
I also made a few amazing purchases, which I'll share over the next few days as I find the perfect spots for them in my house and the perfect outfits to pair them with.
  This one needs no special outfit, or introduction, 
as it is just simply put,
an amazing hat.
The pin on the side is removable, so I can switch it out
at any point with whatever I want.  
So versatile.
I decided to strike a few poses for you, 
so you could enjoy every angle of the hat.
Sort of reminds me of something Blossom would have worn.
Do you remember that show?  One of my old faves.

Finally, Izzy's first blog appearance.  She is our perfect little kitty.  Usually not a great picture taker, but I snatched her up and snapped this one before she knew what hit her.  That would explain the dazed look on her face. Although sometimes mischievous, we love her to pieces.
Isn't she cute?!?!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Friday, so good to me

Who doesn't love a Friday?!?!  Actually, now that I think about it, people who work weekends probably don't love Fridays.  But maybe they also don't hate Mondays?
Anyways.  I LOVE me a Friday!  The entire feeling at my office is so much more relaxed.  Don't get me wrong, we still do plenty of work, but everyone seems to walk around like they aren't in such a huge rush, and everyone seems to laugh just a little more.  It is a nice refreshing change from the constant state of rush and panic that comes from always working on a deadline.

My plans for the weekend include checking out the Central PA Festival of the Arts (aka Arts Fest), paint the trim in my bathroom white, and possibly, if we are feeling ambitious, paint the hallway grey.

Arts Fest and the People's Choice Festival are such a good time, even if you don't buy anything.  Local entertainment, beautiful and very interesting displays from semi-local artisans, and delicious fair food as I like to call it.  Fresh lemonade with so much sugar it feels like you just ate a mouthful of sand (sounds gross when I put it that way, but it is one of my favorite things), funnel cake, ice cream, YUM!  I usually end up coming home with at least one piece of jewelry.  I'll post a pic of the great find I come home with this year.
Also lookout next week for before and after pictures of the bathroom, being transformed from a 50-year-old, wood trim that looks out of place in a bathroom, into a serene blue bathroom with crisp white trim.

ENJOY YOUR FRIDAY!  I know I will.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Flowers for no reason

It wasn't my birthday, or our anniversary, or any other special day, just a regular old Monday.
I came home from work to find these sitting on the dining room table with a sweet card from my hubby, just to remind me how much he loves me :)
I know, I know, I am truly spoiled and the luckiest girl in the world!

The pic isn't very good, since I quickly snapped it on my phone.  But you get the point.

Flowers for no reason = one of life's greatest joys

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I live for weekends!

My weekend was filled with lots of driving, visiting, and baby-related activities.  I basically did a tour of southwestern PA.  Honestly, I don't really like driving.  Eric pretty much drives everywhere we go.  I will admit though, that it was sunny, I had some old cds to jam to, and I was excited for all my visits, so I didn't really mind.  Sunday around 4, when I was about 25 miles from home, is when it hit me, that feeling of "I can't WAIT to get out of this car".

Started off with a baby shower for my best friend from college.  She is high risk, so the fact that she is feeling good and the baby is developing right on schedule is such a relief, so everything surrounding the shower was just full of joy.  I am so thrilled for them to be having their first child.

Next I visited one of my best friends from high school.  We had a low-key dinner on the back deck, of pasta and homemade meatballs (she and her husband are both italian, so it was amazing), followed by a rousing game of mini-golf, frozen custard (yum) and a movie while curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.  Such a great hostess she was, with a little basket in my room with any essentials I might need during my one-night stay.  I like to think I'm a good hostess when I put out a matching towel and washcloth for my guests.  Guess I have some work to do in that department!

After that I stopped off at my brother's to visit my new baby nephew.  At about 10 days old, he was pretty much just sleeping and eating, but he is so so precious.  He loves to touch his face, and I somehow managed to snag a shot of him making a classic Home Alone face.

My sister-in-law is feeling pretty good, and they are adjusting to life with a newborn.  They seem to be fairly well-rested, although they may beg to differ with that observation.

I would say there is nothing better than a weekend of sunshine, good friends, and new life, but Eric and I were not together.  So the only thing that COULD have made it better, was his company.
Now its back to the grind, but also making a list of house projects and deciding which to work on this weekend.  I think it will be.....painting the trim in the bathroom!