#1 - My family, including my husband, parents, siblings, in-laws, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews. Wish we all lived closer, but we all manage to do a pretty great job of staying in touch despite the distance between us.
#2 - Friends that are like family. I have such great friends, some that I have carried with me throughout high school and college years, into adulthood and now we are sharing the joys of watching families grow and change together. Other friends came along later, but it seems like they've been around for ages :)
#3 - Technology. Although it is sometimes sad to look around a group of relatives or friends in the same room and realize that everyone is on their phone, it is those phones that keep us in touch on the days we can't be together. If it weren't for Skype and ipads, I wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing frequent photos and video of my nephews as they grow up.
#4 - My job. I am SO thankful that Eric and I both have steady incomes and don't have to wonder how we will make ends meet. Sure, there are times we have to be careful, but we have the luxury of cable tv, internet, and other non-necessities that many people go without these days.
#5 - Our home. No, it isn't big, no, it isn't fancy, but it is ours! (well sort of, technically speaking it belongs to the bank for 28 more years, but its KIND of ours haha). We are able to be in a place that we call our own, with plenty of space for what our life requires, a cozy place to call home and to be together at the end of everyday.
#6 - Our health. For those of you that know me, I am not a particularly healthy person all the time, but I am well enough to get out of bed everyday and live a normal life! My husband apparently has the body and immune system of steel, and is healthy as a horse (are horses even healthy? why do we say that?).
The list could go on and on, but that is the gist. Basically, I hope everyone has non-material things/people in their life to be thankful for, because THOSE are what really matter. I spend too much time worrying if my shoes are the right color, where we should go out to dinner on a Friday night, and who will win a football game. It's good to take a step back and look at the big picture, and be aware of what this life is REALLY about.
Hope you all enjoyed the holiday with someone you love!
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