I used to go to the Carnegie Library with my dad when I was a kid and borrow books all the time. For some reason I can still remember the smell in there, and when I open a hardback book from any library now, the pages take me back.
A semi-recent discovery I have made is borrowing books from other Kindle users. I, myself, have an iPad, but the Kindle App is free.
This is my second borrowed book.
Not all books can be loaned, but when you have one that can be:
The original purchaser can select to loan a book, put in an email address to send it to and then the recipient has (I think) 1 week to accept and then 2 weeks to read before the book goes back.
You can't both be reading it at the same time, so make sure you finish before you loan, and if you are the recipient, make SURE you read it all in 2 weeks before it disappears! This book, I'm at around 40% with only 4 days left and I will be pretty disappointed if I miss the ending, so I better get crackin!
Does it get any cooler than that?!?!?! YES IT DOES MY FRIENDS!
I have 2 iPads actually, a personal one and one that I use for work (belongs to my company), but I have the Kindle app on each, because when I travel or have my lunch break or take my work iPad home for the evening, I want to have access to all my personal fun things.
When I open my Kindle app on either iPad, and a book that I was reading on the other one, it asks me if I want to skip to the spot where I last left off on my other device.
That's right, they talk to each other and keep my same spot no matter which one I read from!
The joys of modern technology!
PS, these 2 books by Rick Murcer are GREAT if you are looking for a captivating thriller that is also an easy read.
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