Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Friday, so good to me

Who doesn't love a Friday?!?!  Actually, now that I think about it, people who work weekends probably don't love Fridays.  But maybe they also don't hate Mondays?
Anyways.  I LOVE me a Friday!  The entire feeling at my office is so much more relaxed.  Don't get me wrong, we still do plenty of work, but everyone seems to walk around like they aren't in such a huge rush, and everyone seems to laugh just a little more.  It is a nice refreshing change from the constant state of rush and panic that comes from always working on a deadline.

My plans for the weekend include checking out the Central PA Festival of the Arts (aka Arts Fest), paint the trim in my bathroom white, and possibly, if we are feeling ambitious, paint the hallway grey.

Arts Fest and the People's Choice Festival are such a good time, even if you don't buy anything.  Local entertainment, beautiful and very interesting displays from semi-local artisans, and delicious fair food as I like to call it.  Fresh lemonade with so much sugar it feels like you just ate a mouthful of sand (sounds gross when I put it that way, but it is one of my favorite things), funnel cake, ice cream, YUM!  I usually end up coming home with at least one piece of jewelry.  I'll post a pic of the great find I come home with this year.
Also lookout next week for before and after pictures of the bathroom, being transformed from a 50-year-old, wood trim that looks out of place in a bathroom, into a serene blue bathroom with crisp white trim.

ENJOY YOUR FRIDAY!  I know I will.

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